Do’s and Dont’s while replying to peer review comments


When replying to peer review comments on your research paper, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


  1. Be polite and professional: Respond to the reviewers in a respectful and professional manner, even if you disagree with their comments o
  2. +r suggestions. Remember that the goal is to have a constructive dialogue and improve your paper.
  3. Address each comment: Take the time to carefully address each comment or suggestion provided by the reviewers. Clearly indicate how you have revised or plan to revise the paper based on their feedback.
  4. Provide detailed responses: Be thorough in your responses, explaining the rationale behind your choices and modifications. Use evidence, references, or additional data to support your arguments whenever possible.
  5. Be open to criticism: Approach the review process with an open mind and be willing to consider and incorporate valid suggestions for improvement. Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of your paper and demonstrate a willingness to make necessary revisions.
  6. Thank the reviewers: Express gratitude to the reviewers for their time and effort in providing feedback. Acknowledge their contributions to improving the quality of your research.


  1. Take comments personally: Avoid becoming defensive or taking reviewer comments as personal attacks. Remember that the reviewers are providing feedback on the scientific merits of your work and are aiming to help you improve.
  2. Ignore or dismiss comments without justification: It is important to address all comments and suggestions, even if you disagree with them. If you choose not to implement a particular suggestion, provide a clear and justified explanation for your decision.
  3. Respond in an unprofessional or confrontational manner: Maintain a professional tone throughout your responses. Avoid confrontational language or disrespectful remarks, even if you strongly disagree with a reviewer’s comment.
  4. Make unsupported claims or arguments: When responding to reviewer comments, ensure that your responses are based on evidence and logical reasoning. Avoid making unsupported claims or dismissing suggestions without providing a valid justification.
  5. Miss deadlines or provide incomplete responses: Be prompt in your responses and meet any specified deadlines. Provide complete and comprehensive responses to all reviewer comments, addressing each one individually.

Remember, the peer review process is intended to improve the quality of your research paper, so approaching it with a cooperative and open mindset will help you effectively address reviewer comments and enhance your manuscript.

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