• Can travel:NA

  • About Me

    Myself is an engineer by academics but my higher studies from reputed institutes have groomed me into a teacher, who covers from basics to depths of conceptual studies. I believe there is no full stop to growth and a teacher not only helps students grow but also grows with them personally & professionally. I have a positive & enthusiastic outlook towards life. I am an effective communicator, both in writing and verbally and I have a strong ability to plan and organize effectively; something which is crucial to the role of a competent teacher. I cope very well with pressure and am willing to improve teaching methods, when needed, to deliver consistent & effective results. I have good time management skills. I have a versatile personality, which makes me adjust with the maximum genre of the crowd and get loved by them.”

    Expert Location

    Country: State: Location:

    Language OF Delivery

    English Hindi


    Civil Engineering

    My Topics

    Tutor Type

    Online Tutor - per Hour


    Doctrate Passing Year: 2022 PhD




    Academic Experience : 2 YearsIndustry Experience : 1 Years
    Job Profile : None

    Writing Type


    Session Delivered Through

    SkypeZoomGoogle HangoutsEmail

    Online Whiteboard Experience


    Technology Experience


    Tools Available